Fire Suppression

The Avra Valley Fire District (AVFD) is a fully staffed fire district that runs 13 fire fighters across four stations, 365 days a year. In addition to our Fire Chief and Assistant Chief, the District currently employs 40 full-time fire fighters, 16 of which are certified paramedics. A three platoon shift schedule is used (A, B, and C shifts) and a 5/6 rotating schedule is used. AVFD has four fire stations: ST191 on Silverbell Road, ST192 on Anway Road, ST193 on Amber Sunrise and ST194 in Red Rock. There are 4 engines and 4 ambulances in service every day. Each shift is capable of responding to structure fires, EMS calls, motor vehicle accidents, and hazardous material calls. In addition, many of our firefighters are certified for wildland deployment. The District is responsible for approximately 325 square miles and protects around 12,000 residents.
AVFD has mutual aid with several other neighboring fire districts to ensure the best possible care and timely responses available.